BBS in a Box 7
BBS in a Box - Macintosh - Volume VII (BBS in a Box) (January 1993).iso
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Text File
1,035 lines
About ShopKeeper
?Item Button-
Add Changes-
Adjust.=Adjustment 2
Calc =Calculate
Cancel -Button-
Company/Individual Names
Current Balance-
Deleting Customers-
Deleting Inventory Items-
Deleting Invoices
Disk Requirements-
Invoice #-
Item No.= Item Number
Item No.=Item Number
MFG's #-
Name of Contact-
No Print -Button-
On Account-A/P
Paid-Print -Button-
PO -Purch.Orders
Quant.= Quantity
Returns & Credits
Ser. No.-
Ship To-
Slsmn= Salesman
Tax- Sales Tax
Tax Exempt No.
Telephone Number-
M-Cashier's Report
M-Clear Sales File
M-Customer File
M-Customer Labels
M-Customer List
M-Daily Sales Report
M-Edit Invent. Desc.
M-Edit Invent. No.
M-End Of Month
*EOM Check List*
M-Find Sales Ticket
M-Floorplan Report
M-Inventory Report
M-Mgr. Exit
Power Failures
M-Price Labels
M-Sales Ticket
M-Sort Customer File
Special Orders
M-Special Order Cost
M-Supplier Invoice
About ShopKeeper
ShopKeeper is not copy protected. Make as many copies as you
need for your own use. We only ask that you use it on one
machine at a time.
ShopKeeper© Software
Copyright 1984-1987, Mike Nudd
ShopKeeper Software
P.O. Box 38160
Tallahassee, FL 32315-8160
This and the next 8 help screens will give you some short
notes about using ShopKeeper.
1. Sales Ticket is an invoice that you write for the sale of
merchandise or services to one of your customers.
2. Supplier Invoice is an invoice that you receive from one of
the vendors that sell you something that you keep in inventory.
3. Clicking the mouse once on the 'Cancel' button will get you
out of just about anything.
4. Any button with a double border can be pushed either with
the mouse or by just hitting the <Return> key.
5. To avoid slowing down the experienced user ShopKeeper will
accept most information directly from the keyboard. Just enter
the information (if you know it) and hit the <Tab> key. For
information you don't remember use the ?Cust and ?Item buttons
to have the computer look it up for you.
6. At first the movement between the keyboard and the mouse
will feel awkward but you will soon be doing it without even
thinking about it. There are however a few of places in the
program where you will be forced to use the mouse (such as
buttons on the customer file). These were put in to make you
stop for a second and think - thus avoiding errors.
7. Hitting the <Return> key on widows that have only one box
for you to fill in will cause ShopKeeper to continue. (Same as
pushing the 'OK' or 'Done' button.)
8. On screens that have a lot of boxes the <Tab> key will move
you one box forward and the <Shift> & <Tab> keys together will
move you one box backward.
9. The * (asterisk) is reserved for ShopKeeper's own use - don't
use it accept when deleting an inventory item, or
marking an item no. to require a serial number
10. Don't be afraid to go exploring. The best way to learn any
new program is to make a copy of the data disk and just go try
everything you can think of. If you are like most Macintosh
owners (myself included) you tend to judge any new program by
how far you can get without having to open the manual. Try it!
11. There are some things (such as printing a large inventory
file) that just take some time to do. ShopKeeper will display
a 'Working Please Wait' window during these procedures. Most
only take a few seconds, some can take several minutes.
12. There are three inventory numbers (Item No.s)that are
reserved for the use of the program:
Item No.1/A-Used for PAID ON ACCOUNT.
2/ - Used for entering SPECIAL ORDERS into sales tickets
(you must add the proper sales category letter)
3/A- Used for SERVICE CHARGES on overdue accounts.
13. SALES TICKET (or customer invoice) number ONE is used by
the program to represent monthly statements that have been
14. Some of the Edit Fields (or BOXES with square corners) will
hold more than they can display. For example: Shopkeeper will
store the first 10 characters in the serial number field even if
you seem to have typed right out of the box.
15. The PASSWORD selection under the 'Mgr' menu must be done
before you can edit balances etc. in the 'Customer File'. None of
the choices under the 'Mgr' menu are accessible until 'Password'
is completed.
16. The HELP selection is available at almost all points in the
program. There are certain operations that will force 'Help' to
wait until they are completed. If you find yourself needing help
at one of these points - hit the Cancel button and back up one
screen. This will allow you into 'Help'. Then you can continue.
17. Once you become comfortable with ShopKeeper (or if you find
yourself in desperate need of disk space) the 'Help.SK' file
can be removed from the disk with no ill effects.
18. ShopKeeper looks for information to fill in or check after you
hit the <Tab> key (as it enters the next field). If you jump
around the boxes with the mouse it may not fill in information.
To correct this, just go back to the box and hit <Tab>.
19. After entering a Customer ID or an Item No.-WAIT- it may
take two to four seconds for ShopKeeper to verify the entry and
retrieve the information from the disk. It will take you a little
while to get the feel of the pace of the program.
Clicking this button will open a window which asks for an initial.
Enter the initial (one letter) and a list of matching customers
will be displayed. Just click on the customer you want and all
information will be automatically filled in on the sales ticket or
Customer ID box. If you put more than one letter in the edit box
ShopKeeper will search every field of the customer file for
matching entries (use this to find a customer by city or address).
Since selecting the customer with the ?Cust button will replace
the current contents of the customer information on the sales
ticket, this is also the way to correct an unwanted selection
with the correct entry.
?Item Button-
Used when you don't know the item number. A box will
appear into which you enter some part of the item's description
that you know must be in the file. If you choose the 'Search
Entire File' button it will search all fields not just Description.
Example: You are trying to find the book 'Multiplan Made Easy.'
You could give the description 'Easy' or 'Multiplan' or just 'plan'.
ShopKeeper will go and search the entire inventory for any
matching item descriptions then give you a list. Just click on the
box appearing to the left of the proper item and it will be
automatically filled into the row that you selected last.
Since the selected item will fill in the row that you last selected,
it is also the method of replacing an incorrect entry previously
made. If you do not want any rows replaced, make sure the
cursor is not on any row you wish to keep.
Add Changes-
This button will save any changes made to existing or new
customers and while editing the inventory file. On screens that
have this button you must click on the button to save your
changes to the disk. If you don't use the 'Add Changes' button
everything will be as it was before you started making changes.
John Smith
123 E. Main
Midtown, KS 99999
Always make sure that city state and zip code are all on
the same line.
Note: Changing any character of the address on the Sales Ticket
will cause ShopKeeper to assume that you are entering a 'Ship To'
address. Both the address contained in the customer file (Bill To)
and the 'Ship To' address will be printed on the Sales Ticket.
This represents the amount of discount off of retail. It may be
filled in 4 different ways.
1. Type in a number and the percent sign (%).
2. Type in a dollar amount (No $ sign).
3. Use the discount code table;
ie) A =5% B =10% C =15% D = 20% E = 25%
Y =Actual Cost Z = Cost divided by .875.
4. Cost Plus a percentage is handled by typing in a number
followed by the'+' sign.
Example: to charge cost plus 15% enter '15+'.
Legal Discount Entries: 12.3%, 12.50, A, 23.8+
Illegal Discount Entries: $12.50, letters F thru X, %12.3, +15
Adjust.=Adjustment 2
Adjustments aren't shown until the Calc Button is pushed. The
customer's Cost = Quantity * (Retail - Adjustment).
*NOTE-When using the item number 2/ (SPECIAL ORDER), the
system doesn't have the actual cost; for report purposes it will
estimate the cost which will have to be corrected later. Very
few, if any,items should have to go through the system as
item number 2/.
This is the amount that has not been paid (or in the case of a
negative number the amount of credit) to be applied to a
customer's account.
The Balance must be zero if the customer has not been set up in
the customer file or if the customer is CASH.
Balance Last Statement-
This will show you how much the customer owed the last time
that statements were run. If it is a new customer a zero balance
will be present until after the first statement is run.
NOTE-You may only enter something into this field when first
setting up the customer.
There is a 'Bid' button on the 'Sales Ticket' window. It is there
to allow you to prepare and print a bid or estimate using the
information in your customer and inventory files. Prepare a bid
as if it were an actual 'Sales Ticket' changing discounts
('Adjust.') and experiment with different combinations then print
out an estimate by clicking on the 'Bid' button. ShopKeeper will
handle it just like a 'Sales Ticket' except that it will not
change your sales or inventory files.
Like an invoice a bid may be retrieved at a later date by using
the 'Find Sales TIcket' selection.
Calc =Calculate
This button causes the entire screen to be recomputed and does
error checking.
*NOTE-Always do Calc and check the completed
screen before pushing the Print or No Print Button.
Cancel -Button-
This wipes out everything on that window; nothing is
saved and nothing is recorded. It will then take you back to to
the main menu.
When in doubt 'Cancel' out. Cancel gets you out of just about
Company/Individual Name-
This is used to put in the person's or company's entire
name such as John Smith or Brown's Electronics, Inc. Type it in
exactly as you want it to appear on Sales Tickets, Statements,
*Only the first 30 characters will be stored.*
This is the price that the supplier charges you for each
separate item on the invoice. Make sure that the unit used in the
Quantity field is the same as you are using for the cost.
Example: If you buy 2 cases of floppy disks (in cases of twelve
boxes of disks) for $180/case but you want them in your
inventory by the box then the Quant. field should have 24 and
the cost/unit field should have $15.
Current Balance-
This tells you how much the customer owes at that
particular moment in time. ShopKeeper will keep this balance
up to date as long as you enter all transactions that affect that
person's account into the computer.
NOTE-You may only enter something in this field when first
setting up the customer.
This is filled in by ?Cust Button. or if you know the CustID for
this customer just type it in the CustID box and hit the <Tab>
Customer IDentification- May be a number (up to 9 digits long)
or it may be up to 10 alphabetical characters.
Example: If the customer's name is John's Auto Parts the easiest
CustID for everyone to remember would be something like
'JOHNSAUTO'. Just be consistent in creating new CustID's. If you
are not going to put in spaces and punctuation marks then make
sure everyone does it the same way.
This is automatically generated by the computer but may
be changed on Sales Tickets and Supplier Invoices. It cannot
be changed on Statements or Reports.
Last Payment or '/D'-
The date the customer last made a payment on his account or a
'/D' (for delete) if you want to make the customer inactive.
Deleting Customers-
In the Customer File in the box 'Last Payment or '/D' ' is normally
the date of the customer's last payment on the account. If you
put '/D' in this edit field it marks the customer to be automatically
deleted as soon as they have no more active invoices.
The 'Store Old Data' under the 'Mgr' menu will present a box which
allows you to have any customer which no longer has any invoices
active in the invoice (A/R_File.SK) file automatically added to a
file called Customer.Old on the Old Data disk. It will look at each
customer for the '/D' and, if present, check to see if it should be
moved from active (.SK) to inactive (.Old) customer files.
Deleting Inventory Items-
To delete an inventory item, put an '*' in both 'Description' and
'Retail'. Save your changes and then go on. The next time the
system starts up and a new item is entered on Supplier Invoice, the
space will be reused before the system starts adding records to
the end of the file.
Note: ShopKeeper will not delete an inventory item unless the
balance on hand is zero.
Deleting Invoices-
Any invoice may be deleted from appearing on the customers
statement by choosing 'Find Sales Ticket' from the 'Sales' menu,
then pushing the 'Delete' button when the ticket appears. This
will actually create a complete set of reversing entries in your
files. The ticket number on the deleted invoice will be changed
to '1D/'+the last 3 characters of the sales ticket number. The
reversing entries will be preceded by a '1C/' in your files.
Note-if an invoice has already been billed to the customer on a
statement then the next statement will show the credits. If it
has not gone on a statement it will be ignored completely. If the
invoice had cash paid on it SK will assume the cash payment was
real and apply it to other unpaid invoices. To remove the cash you
must make a new sales ticket and enter a negative amount for
paid on account.
This is automatically filled in if you use an existing
item number. If you don't have the correct item number
or if it is an item never entered before you must type
in the name of the product.
When entering a description of a new item keep in mind that the
inventory is sorted on this field. To keep items of the same kind
together on the printed inventory describe them with the common
part of the description first. Example if you are entering a blue
dress and a red dress enter them as 'dress red' and 'dress blue'.
Discount-Enter the dollar amount or percentage taken off of your cost
by the supplier (on Supplier Invoice window).
Discount Level-This is an optional entry in the Customer File. You
can enter one of the choices that are explained under the
Help- 'Adjustments' or you can use it to store some other
information about the customer.
Discounts are not automatically applied to any Sales Ticket for a
customer unless the last character of the discount is an '*'.
ex. 10%* (automatic 10% discount from retail)
12.5+* (automatic cost plus 12.5%)
Disk Requirements
ShopKeeper expects all data files to be on the same disk volume.
To approximate how much disk space you will need use the
following formulas. Add up the totals then add 15% for a safety
net. ['*' means multiplied by (same as 'x')]
1.number of customers * 260 bytes
2.number of inventory items * 110 bytes
3.number of individual items that require serial numbers be
stored {floorplanned or consignment items} * 95 bytes
4.number of Sales Tickets (customer invoices) to be kept active
{average of 200 invoices active for 3 month =600} * 80 bytes
5.average number of items per Sales Ticket*135* (#4 above)
{ex. 3 items per ticket *600 tickets active*135 bytes=243K}
6.number of invoices received per month* 60 bytes
7.average no. of items received per invoice*(#5 above)*70 bytes
* A $100,000/mo. computer store should require about 390K
to keep 90 days active*
This button means the same as an 'OK' button. You have finished
making changes in this window and are ready to continue.
Should a disk error occur make sure that you shut down and
eject the disk before trying again. This insures that all the
files were properly closed.
If the error occurs again try a different copy of ShopKeeper.
Strange characters indicate an empty file.
This is the name of the finance company the
merchandise was purchased through. An example of this
would be ITT Commercial Credit. When this field is
filled in you will get a small window asking for
floorplan payment information. Fill in the date box,
then click the 'All Due on Date' button.
(The use of floorplan/consignment is optional. It will
be ignored if none of the inventory items has an '*' as
the second character from the right end.)
Example: Item No. 23*H would mean that a serial number is
expected for this item.
This has to be manually entered and represents the amount of
freight charges you paid (Supplier Invoice) or you are charging
your customer (Sales Ticket).
As with any box in ShopKeeper do not enter any dollar signs.
Invoice #-
Invoice or Sales Ticket Number. This is automatically
generated by the computer but may be changed by the user to
any 6 characters or 5 numbers.
Note: Each Invoice# should be unique. Meaning there should not
be more than one with the same number or code.
The 'Find Sales Ticket' menu choice under the 'Sales' menu will
find only the newest Sales Ticket still stored in the file
(A/R_File.SK) with the same Invoice# you requested.
Item No.= Item Number
The Number assigned to an item in the inventory.
This consists of three parts. Example: 345E*S or JK45/F.
1. Your Code-This is the first 1 to 10 characters. May be
numbers or characters. Then add either an '*', a '/' or an '@'.
2. Product Category-This is a letter which is the last character
in the item number (Sales breakdown of categories-
ie; H=hardware, P=programs, and S=supplies.)
3. If the item requires a serial number (or is being financed
on a floorplan basis or is a consignment item) an asterisk(*) will
be between the number and the last character of the item
number, otherwise use a '/'.
4. If the item requires a serial number and it is from a
supplier in your floorplan or consignment list you will be given a
list of serial numbers on hand from which to select the proper
serial number.
Item No.=Item Number 2
5. If the item is on file in the inventory, the description and
retail are filled in automatically.
6. When entering anything that requires an item number,
only the part before the '*' or '/' is needed for the system to
look up the rest of the information.
7. In all systems, the number 1/ is reserved for Paid on
Accounts, the number 2/ is reserved for Special Orders
(entering items not in the inventory file), and the number 3/ is
reserved for interest (service charges) to a customer's account
*NOTE-When using the number 2/, it comes up as '2/'; you
must add a sales category letter to fit the item you are selling.
8. Other item numbers can be reserved and defined
for other purposes specific to your business-ie; you could use the
numbers 4-10 for keeping track of other expenses or 4/ could be
hourly labor charges.
MFG's #-
This is the part number or inventory number assigned by
the manufacturer. (This field is optional and does not
have to be filled in.) It may also be used for storing
some other information on the item that you want stored
in the inventory file.
This is the name of the company who made the items. It
is not always the same as the supplier. (This field is
optional and doesn't have to be filled in.)
When a company has no Floorplanning. All occurrences of
spaces for serial number will automatically be replaced
with MGF.
Name of Contact-
This is used for your convenience. The name that goes in
this field is the person you would contact in the company
if you needed to talk to them about their account or get a hold of
them to tell them of an upcoming event.
This will save the records and then generate a new
blank window to work on.
This will bring up the customer file (or other record) immediately
following the current record.
No Print -Button-
This recomputes the screen and saves to the disk but
does not print an invoice. When it is done saving the material to
the disk the computer will generate a new sales ticket screen. If
you don't need a new one just Cancel at that point and go back to
the main menu.
Used primarily to enter a hand written sales ticket into
ShopKeeper without having to print a customer invoice each time.
On Account-A/P
This tells you that it was charged to your existing
account with that supplier.
On the Supplier Invoice window.
When this button is pushed, the edit field to the right is
highlighted in black with the words 'Cash or Ck No.' You
must type in either the word Cash or a check number (just the
number-it will only store 5 characters) to complete the window.
Paid Cash-on the Sales Ticket window
This is the actual amount of cash collected.
*NOTE-Balance = Total - Cash Paid. If the Customer
ID is Cash, you cannot leave the screen until the
Balance is $0.00.
Print -Button-
This recomputes the screen, prints an invoice and saves
all information to disk files.
PO -Purch.Orders
To use ShopKeeper to prepare and store purchase order
1. Set up each vendor as if they were a customer in the
'Customer File'.
2. Use 'Sales Ticket' and fill it out as if it were a
purchase order.
3. When done push the 'PO' button. A purchase order will
be printed, the information will be recorded in the sales
files, and inventory will not be changed.
You may recall any purchase order with 'Find Sales Ticket'
and the customer history of the vendor will allow you to
review what has been ordered. This function is informational
only! PO will not effect the inventory or purchases and, since
the vendor will always have a zero balance, no statement will
be printed. (All PO's will have a sales ticket no. starting
with '1P/'.
Quant.= Quantity
This is how many of each item was purchased or sold. The
system will accept any number less than 9999.
*Note-This also includes negative numbers for
merchandise being.returned. A '-1' in the quantity plus
correct item number will pull item description and
retail from the inventory file and will add back the
merchandise being returned into the inventory This is the
BEST way to handle merchandise returns.
Quantity may also refer to hours. Caution: it deals with
everything in terms of decimals. (2.50 would be two and 1/2
hours not two hours and fifty minutes.)
Your suggested selling price.
This is automatically filled in by the system if you have
an existing item number. If it is a new inventory item or a
Special Order you must enter the retail selling price.
Returns & Credits
Handle a return for credit or for a refund just like it was any
other Sales Ticket.
The only difference is that the Quant. (quantity) will
be a negative number (ex. -2) and if they want a cash refund the
Cash Paid will also be a negative number.
Ser. No.-
This is the serial number off of major pieces of
merchandise. If the item number requires a serial
number (indicated by an asterisk [*] in the item no.) you must fill
in this edit field. If you are receiving more than one piece that
needs a serial number a window will appear.
1. The first edit field will have the number you
just typed in on the supplier invoice.
2. Push the 'Next' button to get to a blank field
to fill in the next serial number. Continue to
do this until you have as many serial numbers
as you do pieces of merchandise.
3. The 'prev.' button is to look at the serial
number just before the one you see now.
4. After you have entered all the serial numbers
push the 'Done' button and continue.
Ship To
When the information on the customer is filled into the name
and address fields on the Sales Ticket the information is taken
from the Customer.SK file. This file contains the billing
information. Your sales ticket will be correct if you are
shipping to and billing to the same address. If the shipping
address is not to be the same as the billing address go back and
change the address under 'Ship To' on the Sales Ticket.
Slsmn= Salesman
This can be up to three characters; either the salesman's initials
or a salesman number.(1-99). Again, just be consistent. The
salesman report will consider salesman JV to be a different
person than salesman JHV.
This is the name of the company or wholesaler from
which you purchased the merchandise (vendor).
Tax- Sales Tax
This is automatically figured by the computer for Sales Tickets
but must be entered on Supplier Invoices.
The sales tax figure for your area is entered originally when the
system is set up using the New Company program.
Tax Exempt No.
-This is used to tell the computer that this customer is
not to be charged sales tax. The field can be filled in with
anything but an '*' (asterisk) or left blank. This means that
you can use any dummy information and the program
will automatically know not to charge sales tax. An example
would be to just fill the field with a string of x's.(XXXXXXXX)
until you get the correct tax exempt number from the customer
or to enter the State for an out of state customer.
Telephone Number-
This should be the number at which the person can be
most easily reached; be it home or office.
Enter as 904/222-8808
This is the amount on the bottom of the Supplier Invoice that you
must type in. If it doesn't match the computed total at
the top of the screen you cannot exit until it does.
M-Cashier's Report
This is a report that can be run after a shift change at the cash
drawer. It will give you a complete list of all sales tickets, how
much cash was taken in, and how much was charged on account.
This is the equivalent of an 'X' reading on a cash register which
allows you to read the register without clearing the totals for the
The 'Clear Sales File' menu choice under the Mgr menu is the
equivalent of a cash register's 'Z' reading which also clears the
daily totals.
M-Clear Sales File
Daily print out of each invoice and item sold: a summary by
salesman, and by sales category as well as a cashiers report.
The equivalent of a 'Z' reading on a cash register.
This should be done on a daily basis.
M-Customer File
This lets you set up new customers in the accounts receivable
file or edit information on existing customers.
To enter a new customer - Make up a new Customer ID (or
customer number) then hit <Return>. ShopKeeper will go and
check that this Customer ID is not already in use. If it is not in
use, you will get a window saying 'This Customer is Not on File'
click on the 'OK' button then continue entering information for the
new customer. When done click on the 'Add Changes' button and
the information will be recorded. Click on the 'Cancel' button to
return to the 'Make Selection' window.
To edit existing customer's information - Enter Customer ID or
use the '? Cust' button. and the customer's information will be
brought to the window. Make any changes then save them with
the 'Add Changes' button.
Information on each box in the customer file can be found in
M-Customer Labels
This prints out mailing labels for everyone in your customer file.
Note: It is set up for one across 3.5 x 11/16 inch mailing labels.
M-Customer List
The computer will print a list of all the customers in the file.
This list will not contain any information except name,
address, and telephone number.
M-Daily Sales Report
It gives you a breakdown of every item sold. It also gives the
total amount of sales by sales category and by salesman.
When you choose this report the computer automatically
prints a sales report but does not clear the day. To clear
the day the manager must run a 'Clear Sales File.'
M-Edit Invent. Desc.
This is any part of the 25 character description field without
commas or quotes. The computer will search the inventory and
generate a list of all the items that contain what you have
entered in the description field. Just click on the box next to
the item you want to change and a window will appear on the right
side of the screen with the information about that certain item.
Same as (see using the '? Item' button.)
M-Edit Invent. No.
When you type in the inventory number, the computer takes
you directly to that item for editing.
M-End Of Month
Generates summaries or complete details of all transactions
since the last time the EOM was closed. If you have been running
'Clear Sales File' on a regular basis you will only need to run
summaries. 'Close Month' will do the following: run a 'Clear Sales
File'; summarize sales by both sales category and by
salesman; summarize the inventory by sales category; summarize
the purchases by sales category; print out a detail of the
purchases for the month and start a new purchases file; total the
'current balance' in the customer files; and mark on the disk all
transactions that have been posted (with the letter 'M').
*EOM Check List*
Recommended sequence: End Of Month
1. Make sure all purchases have been entered.
2. Run 'Special Order Cost'
3. Take your physical inventory and make the necessary
adjustments to the inventory file;
4. Run Clear Sales File;
5. Run EOM but do not close;
6. Carefully examine reports from 4 and 5 for errors that you
want to correct before the closing;
7. Make corrections (if any);
8. Run EOM close.
9. Running EOM Close will automatically run 'Store Old Data'.
so make sure you have a blank initialized disk on hand
before closing the month.
M-Find Sales Ticket
This is used to look up an old Sales Ticket (customer invoice)
from a previous sale.
1) Fill in the box with the number of the Sales Ticket.
2) The computer will reconstruct the ticket and will also
allow you to print a copy of it. (If you don't know the
Sales Ticket number, you can print a Customer History and
find it that way.)
M-Floorplan Report
Produces a report for the manager of what items on floorplan
or consignment have been sold as well as a list of items that are
due to be paid because they have been in stock long enough for
the invoices to become due.
Allows you to prepare a customer history report either on the
printer or on the screen. Print History sends the output to the
printer while Screen History sends the same report to the screen.
If a customer should have a question about their statement you
can get a detailed list of invoices, service charges, and
statements send using this feature. Then call up and print a copy
of any invoice using the 'Find Sales Ticket' selection under the
'Sales' Menu. Just note the invoice no. that you will need before
closing the Screen History report. (Note: Screen History is the
only window in ShopKeeper that you close by clicking on the little
'go-away' box in the upper left hand corner of the window- same as
M-Inventory Report
This will print a complete list of your inventory (with or
without the items with a zero balance on hand). The report will
be sorted and subtotaled by sales category. Within each sales
category the information will be sorted on the description field.
The Inventory Report may be run at any time and does not
affect any totals by running it. So, if you need a printed report
to write down your physical inventory as you are taking it, go
ahead and print one out before you begin.
M-Mgr. Exit
This makes all the choices under the Mgr menu unavailable until
the Password is used again.
Allows you to choose to print your Sales Tickets and Statements
on standard preprinted forms (with or without your name and
address imprinted on them). Just remember that you must
change to regular 9 1/5 x 11 in. continuous paper for all reports.
To align preprinted forms on printer merely place them down as
far as you can get them while still holding the top of the form
in place with the Imagewriter's paper guide rollers. A little bit
of practice will let you align them perfectly every time without
loosing the first form every time you change paper.
Preprinted forms use NEBS #9051 or equivalent.
This is an optional protection system for the other items under
the Mgr. Menu. This can make those choices inaccessible to
unauthorized persons.
The financial information in the Customer File is also inaccessible
until the Password is turned on.
IF NO PASSWORD IS USED ENTER <Backspace> key when asked
for a password. Sample files uses "SK" as the password.
Power Failures
The ShopKeeper program records every transaction to disk as
soon as it is possible to do so. You will notice that when
finishing every window it will take a few seconds while the program
does its filing. This short delay is your insurance against a major
loss of data. If you loose power while ShopKeeper is running, the
most you should loose will probably be just the information on
the window at the time of the interruption. Just restart
ShopKeeper, check the last few items you were working on, and
For the very rare occurrence where there seems to be a
problem with one of your files, don't panic. They may be
recovered with a word processing program. See ShopKeeper
reference manual for instructions.
M-Price Labels
This is used to print the price labels of the items you just entered
through Supplier Invoice or to make a new label for an old item.
It is currently set up to use standard mailing labels (one across
3.5x11/16 in.). You do not have to use this function. The
information for the labels will accumulate in the 'LabelFile.SK' file
on the disk until you are ready to print them. Remember that
ShopKeeper waits until you have put labels into the printer and
then will print all the labels that have accumulated in the
'LabelFile.SK' file. Even if you have just requested that one label
be printed, if there are other labels to be printed in the file they
will be printed now. If you are not using this function just throw
the 'LabelFile.SK'. file into the trash occasionally to free disk
space and make sure the 'Make Labels' button is not on in the
Supplier Invoice window.
This lets you close down at the end of the day in an orderly
fashion and is the proper way to shut down at night. Using 'Quit'
the computer will do some housekeeping Customer file and
properly close all the files. You do not have to run 'Clear Sales
File' before shutting down. The computer will remind you to
make a backup copy then return you to the 'Finder'.
Your time is worth much more than the cost of an extra disk.
DAILY. If you are using a hard disk, copy all the files that end
in .SK to floppy disks.
M-Sales Ticket
This is used to record a sale of merchandise for cash or to be
charged to a customer's account. It is also used to record
payments to customer's accounts and the return of merchandise.
The 'Print' button will generate a printed invoice and return
you to a new blank Sales Ticket window. The 'No Print'
button is used for entering batches of hand written Sales Tickets.
It will not print a new invoice and will return you to a new,
blank Sales Ticket window. To exit use the 'Cancel' button when a
new window appears.
*Notes: The <Tab> key will move you one field to the right and
the <Shift><Tab> keys will move you one space to the left.
The 'Calc' button means recalculate the Sales Ticket. It may be
done at any time and as many times as you want until
everything is the way you want it. ALWAYS do a 'Calc' at least
once before using the 'Print' or 'No Print' button.
M-Sort Customer File
This will go through and alphabetize all the Customer ID's in
the customer file and remove any customers marked for deletion.
Nothing is printed out with this choice.
Note: This choice writes a new sorted copy of the customer
file to the disk. You must have at least as much free disk space
as the size of the current 'Customer.SK' file before starting this
Special Order
Is used for those times when one of your customers comes in
and wants something that is either not in stock or you don't
normally carry. Fill out a Sales Ticket using Item No. '2/'
then use the 'P.O.' button. This will print a purchase order
and enter the information into the customer's history.
M-Special Order Cost
To insure maximum flexibility ShopKeeper will let you sell
something that is not in your inventory file by assigning the
ItemNo as 2/. Since ShopKeeper has no idea of the true cost of
this item it will estimate it. To get the true cost into the system
you should run 'Special Order Cost' at least once a month before
closing the month. This selection reviews the sales file for any
ItemNo 2/ that has not had a true cost entered for it and lets you
correct the cost (or to tell the system what it's true Item No.
should be).
Note: You can only do Special Order Cost once on each item that
ShopKeeper needs a price for. Once an item is screened it is
marked and will not be screened again. If you make no changes
the program assumes that you wish to PERMANENTLY retain the
estimated cost as the actual cost.
This allows you to print out all your statements or just one in
particular. Any or all statements may be run at any time.
1) All Statements automatically starts the printer and prints
statements for all customers who have a balance that is not
zero and for any customer that had transactions in their account
since the last statements were sent (even though the final
balance may be zero). When the statements are printed any
service charges (interest on unpaid balances) is computed and
billed. All you do is wait.
2) One Statement will ask you for a customer ID and then
ShopKeeper does the rest.
M-Supplier Invoice
This is used to record any merchandise coming in as inventory
(merchandise received). It was designed to look exactly like
most invoices you will receive from your vendors. Just copy the
information from the vendor's invoice to this form. The only
thing that will not be on the paper in front of you is the Item No.
(this refers to YOUR inventory Item No., not the vendor's. If you
don't know your Item No use the '? Item' button to find it.
Using an 'N' where it asks for the Item No will automatically
generate a new Item Number and enter the new item's
information into your inventory file. See- '? Item'.
*Note: If there are more than ten items on the invoice, you
must give the computer a false total to match the computed
total in order to continue on to the next window.